About me

With a master degree in Planetary Geosciences and a PhD in Geophysics, I had the opportunity to work on several topics and at different scales: lithosphere imaging, sea wall monitoring, concrete monitoring, seismic modeling at reduced scale.

After several years spent in research laboratories, I started a reconversion in the IT world by following a DevOps training. This allowed me to join Capgemini and to touch many technologies and methods: Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, BIG-IP F5, LDAP as Code...


  • DevOps icon


    Anything to do with DevOps/Platform engineering, with a particular interest in automation.

  • Geophysics-seismic icon


    Seismic wave propagation modeling, seismic imaging, signal processing.

Certifications & Accreditations

My skills

  • Python 3
  • GNU/Linux Admin
  • Ansible
  • Docker
  • K8S
  • Geophysic-Seismic



  1. DevOps Training

    IPI, France 2021

    • Three month DevOps Consultant training

  2. PhD in Earth Sciences - Geophysics

    Nice-Sophia University, France 2008 - 2012

    • Lithospheric Imaging by full waveform inversion of teleseismic data. Supervisors: S. Operto (GeoAzur) and M. Vallée (IPG Paris).
    • Thesis defended on October 16, 2012

  3. Master 2 Research in Planetary Geosciences

    Nantes University, France 2006 - 2007

    • Internship: Mass-radius relationship of massive exoplanets; supervisor: O. Grasset, LPG-University of Nantes

  4. Master 1 in Planetary Geosciences

    Nantes University, France 2005 - 2006

    • Internship: Modeling of mantle convection; supervisor: G. Choblet, LPG-University of Nantes

  5. Bachelor's Degree in Earth and Universe Sciences

    Nantes University, France 2002 - 2005


  1. Application Analyst

    Capgemini CIS, Nantes, France Sep 2021 - Present

    • F5 Big IP virtual server management
    • CLI tools development
    • Helm chart template developmement for ephemeral test environements

  2. Post-doctoral Researcher

    GeoEND, Gustave Eiffel University, Nantes, France Aug 2019 - Mar 2020

    • animation of training sessions for GeoEND members: SEM2D (seismic modeling tool), Anaconda (Python), NeSSI package (Python)
    • continuation ANR HIWAI

  3. Post-doctoral Researcher

    GeoEND, IFSTTAR, Nantes, France Jun 2018 - May 2019

    • development of numerical and experimental protocols for the validation of full waveform inversion integrating homogenization
    • integration of the radiation pattern of experimental sources (piezoelectric) in a numerical modeling code (SEM3D)

  4. Post-doctoral Researcher

    LPG, Nantes University, France Nov 2016 - May 2018

    • Project PROSE (Seismic and Electrical Offshore Research Project)
    • RFI Pays de la Loire WEAMEC (http://www.ec-nantes.fr/version-francaise/l-ecole/weamec/)

  5. Post-doctoral Researcher

    GeoEND, IFSTTAR, Nantes, France Oct 2015 - Oct 2016

    • auscultation and imaging of seawalls (numerical approach)
    • cross-validation of numerical and experimental methods
    • determination of the mechanical properties of heterogeneous media

  6. Post-doctoral Researcher

    LPG, Nantes University, France Dec 2013 - Oct 2015

    • auscultation and imaging of seawalls (numerical approach)
    • cross-validation of numerical and experimental methods
    • determination of the mechanical properties of heterogeneous media


PhD Thesis

  1. PAGEOT, Damien (2012). Imagerie de la lithosphère par inversion de formes d'ondes de données télésismiques, Nice-Sophia University, France. https://seiscope2.osug.fr/IMG/pdf/PhD_Pageot_2012-2.pdf


  1. CHEN, Guangzhi, ABRAHAM, Odile, PAGEOT, Damien, Durand, Olivier, CHEKROUN, Mathieu, et TOURNAT, Vincent (2024). Evaluation of nonlinear interface areas in a multiple scattering medium by Nonlinear Coda Wave Interferometry (NCWI): Experimental studies, NDT & E International, 141, 102992. 10.1016/j.ndteint.2023.102992

  2. CHEN, Guangzhi, ZHANG, Yuxiang, ABRAHAM, Odile, PAGEOT, Damien, CHEKROUN, Mathieu, et TOURNAT, Vincent (2021). Numerical parametric study of Nonlinear Coda Wave Interferometry sensitivity to microcrack size in a multiple scattering medium, Ultrasonics, 116, 106483. 10.1016/j.ultras.2021.106483

  3. PAGEOT, Damien, LE FEUVRE, Mathieu, LEPAROUX, Donatienne, CÔTE, Philippe, et CAPDEVILLE, Y (2020). Assessment of physical properties of a sea dike using multichannel analysis of surface waves and 3D forward modeling, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 172, 103841. 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2019.103841

  4. CHEN, Guangzhi, PAGEOT, Damien, ABRAHAM, Odile, ZHANG, Yuxiang, CHEKROUN, Mathieu, et TOURNAT, Vincent (2019). Nonlinear Coda Wave Interferometry: Sensitivity to wave-induced material property changes analyzed via numerical simulations in 2D, Ultrasonics, 99, 105968. 10.1016/j.ultras.2019.105968

  5. CHEN, Guangzhi, PAGEOT, Damien, LEGLAND, Jean-Baptiste, ABRAHAM, Odile, CHEKROUN, Mathieu, et TOURNAT, Vincent (2017). Numerical modeling of ultrasonic coda wave interferometry in a multiple scattering medium with a localized nonlinear defect, Wave Motion, 72, 228--243. 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2017.03.004

  6. PAGEOT, Damien, LEPAROUX, Donatienne, LE FEUVRE, Mathieu, DURAND, Olivier, CÔTE, Philippe, et CAPDEVILLE, Yann (2017). Improving the seismic small-scale modelling by comparison with numerical methods, Geophysical journal International, 211, 637--649. 10.1093/gji/ggx309

  7. PAGEOT, Damien, OPERTO, Stéphane, VALLEE, Martin, BROSSIER, Romain, et VIRIEUX, Jean (2013). A parametric analysis of two-dimensional elastic full waveform inversion of teleseismic data for lithospheric imaging, Geophysical journal International, 193, 1479--1505. 10.1093/gji/ggs132

  8. ASNAASHARI, Amir, BROSSIER, Romain, CASTELLANOS, Clara, DUPUY, Bastien, ETIENNE, Vincent, GHOLAMI, Yasser, HU, Guanghi, METIVIER, Ludovic, OPERTO, Stéphane, PAGEOT, Damien et al. (2012). Hierarchical approach of seismic full waveform inversion, Numerical Analysis and Applications, 5, 99--108. 10.1134/S1995423912020012

In Proceedings

  1. CHEN, Guangzhi, ABRAHAM, Odile, PAGEOT, Damien, DURAND, Olivier, CHEKROUN, Mathieu, et TOURNAT, Vincent (2019). Monitoring Cracks with Nonlinear Coda Wave Interferometry (NCWI): Numerical and Experimental Results, Structural Health Monitoring 2019.

  2. PAGEOT, Damien, LEPAROUX, Donatienne, et CAPDEVILLE, Yann (2019). Determination of the Radiation Pattern of a Piezoeletric Source Using Numerical Methods, 1st Conference on Geophysics for Geothermal-Energy Utilization and Renewable-Energy Storage.

  3. PAGEOT, Damien, LEPAROUX, Donatienne, CAPDEVILLE, Yann, et CÔTE, Philippe (2018). Alternative Surface Wave Analysis Method for 2D Near-Surface maging Using Particle Swarm Optimization, 3rd Applied Shallow Marine Geophysics Conference.

  4. CHEN, Guangzhi, PAGEOT, Damien, LEGLAND, Jean-Baptiste, ABRAHAM, Odile, CHEKROUN, Mathieu, et TOURNAT, Vincent (2018). Numerical modeling of nonlinear modulation of coda wave interferometry in a multiple scattering medium with the presence of a localized micro-cracked zone, AIP Conference Proceedings.

  5. PAGEOT, Damien, LE FEUVRE, Mathieu, LEPAROUX, Donatienne, CAPDEVILLE, Yann, et CÔTE, Philippe (2017). Assessment of Physical Properties of a Sea Dike Using Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and 3D Forward Modeling, 23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.

  6. PAGEOT, Damien, LE FEUVRE, Mathieu, LEPAROUX, Donatienne, CÔTE, Philippe, et CAPDEVILLE, Yann (2016). Importance of a 3D forward modeling tool for surface wave analysis methods, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

  7. FILIPPI, Céline, LEPAROUX, Donatienne, GRANDJEAN, Giles, BITRI, Adnan, PAGEOT, Damien, et CÔTE, Philippe (2016). Numerical-experimental Study of Seismic Surface Waves Observables on Horizontal-vertical Components for Cavity Detection, Near Surface Geoscience 2016-22nd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.

  8. CHEN, Guanzhi, PAGEOT, Damien, LEGLAND, Jean-Baptiste, CHEKROUN, Mathieu, et ABRAHAM, Odile (2016). Modélisation numérique de la propagation des ondes ultrasonores dans un milieu multi-diffusant en présence d'une non-linéarité localisée, CFA France.

  9. PAGEOT, Damien, LEPAROUX, Donatinne, CAPDEVILLE, Yann, et CÔTE, Philippe (2015). Méthode alternative d'analyse des ondes de surface pour l'imagerie 2D du sous-sol, AGAP.

  10. PAGEOT, Damien, METAIS, Vincent, ABRAHAM, Odile, DURAND, Olivier, PLANTIER, Guy, et CAPDEVILLE, Yann (2015). Numerical and experimental study of the influence of multiple scattering on surface waves dispersion curves, International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDTCE).

  11. PAGEOT, Damien, METAIS, Vincent, ABRAHAM, Odile, DURAND, Olivier, PLANTIER, Guy, et CAPDEVILLE, Yann (2015). Numerical and experimental study of the influence of multiple scattering on surface waves dispersion curves, International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDTCE).

  12. PAGEOT, Damien, METAIS, Vincent, ABRAHAM, Odile, DURAND, Olivier, PLANTIER, Guy, et CAPDEVILLE, Yann (2015). Numerical and experimental study of the influence of multiple scattering on surface waves dispersion curves, International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDTCE).

  13. PAGEOT, Damien, LEPAROUX, Donatienne, DURAND, Olivier, LE FEUVRE, Mathieu, CÔTE, Philippe, et CAPDEVILLE, Yann (2015). Refined experimental studies for improving the reduced-scale physical modeling of seismic subsurface measurement, Near Surface Geoscience 2015-21st European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.

  14. PAGEOT, Damien, OPERTO, Stéphane, VALLEE, Martin, BROSSIER, Romain, et VIRIEUX, Jean (2012). Two-dimensional elastic full-waveform inversion of passive teleseismic data for lithospheric imaging, 74th EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating EUROPEC 2012.

  15. BROSSIER, Romain, DUPUY, Bastien, VIRIEUX, Jean, ROQUES, Aurélien, HU, Guanghi, CASTELLANOS, Clara, ETIENNE, Vincent, GHOLAMI, Yasser, OPERTO, Stéphane, PAGEOT, Damien, et al. (2011). Hierarchical strategy for full waveform inversion in the frequency domain, 12th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15--18 August 2011.

  16. VIRIEUX, Jean, OPERTO, Stéphane, ASNAASHARI, Amir, BROSSIER, Romain, CASTELLANOS, Clara, ETIENNE, Vincent, GHOLAMI, Yasser, HU, Guanghi, PAGEOT, Damien, PRIEUX, Vincent, et al. (2011). A multi-scale strategy for handling broadband seismic data, SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting.

  17. PAGEOT, Damien, OPERTO, Stéphane, VALLEE, Martin, VIRIEUX, Jean, et BROSSIER, Romain (2010). Lithospheric imaging from teleseismic data by frequency-domain elastic full-waveform tomography, 72nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition-Workshops and Fieldtrips.

  18. VIRIEUX, Jean, OPERTO, Stéphane, RIBODETTI, Alexandra, BEN HADJ ALI, Hafed, BROSSIER, Romain, ETIENNE, Vincent, GHOLAMI, Yaser, HU, Guanghi, JIA, Yun, PAGEOT, Damien, et al. (2010). Efficient 2D and 3D multiparameters frequency-domain full waveform inversion, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

  19. VIRIEUX, Jean and OPERTO, Stéphane and BEN HADJ ALI, Hafed, BROSSIER, Romain, ETIENNE, Vincent, GHOLAMI, Yaser, Hu, Guanghi, JIA, Yun, PAGEOT, Damien, PRIEUX, Vincent, et al. (2010). An overview of the SEISCOPE project on frequency-domain Full Waveform Inversion Multiparameter inversion and efficient 3D full-waveform inversion, 72nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition-Workshops and Fieldtrips.